A fantastic opportunity arose in the form of the two day ‘Changing the Conversation’ conference at Lancaster Uni. Unsure what to expect, having been invited to attend following the NAWE/Paul Hamlyn roundtable on ‘Writing and Dementia’ last Autumn, I was somewhat nervous on my way up. I need not have been – I left inspired by the vision of PHF / ArtWorks and the authenticity of the debate and discovery to work out a way forward in participatory practice, acknowledging the life and work going on ‘out there’, often in isolation, and looking at the potential role HE and FE has with the dissemination and upscaling of the work. For me it was a treat – as I look forward to upscaling Living Words practice. And I met some great people and made connections that I look forward to deepening over the coming years. Many thanks to all involved. Susanna
More info can be found here on Storify, oh yes I will slowly move with the technological times.
And here is a photo of us at our tables during the well organised ‘discussion’ points: